Living Sculpture Sanctuary


Complimentary valet parking is included with this venue. If you prefer to self park, you will be directed to the parking spots at the front of the venue.


Guests begin to arrive at 4:30pm. Please be seated by 4:55pm. Ceremony will start promptly at 5:00pm. Cocktail hour will run from 5:30pm to 6:30pm and the reception will be from 6:30pm to 10:30pm.



We ask all of our guests to wear masks unless drinking or eating. Masks and hand sanitizers will be available upon arrival.

A peaceful oasis hidden in a garden

We found an amazing venue to celebrate with you all. This is an entirely outdoor venue that will take you through different parts of a garden. We hope you enjoy the location as much as you enjoy this celebrating this union.

Please arrive at 4:45pm at the latest. The ceremony will begin promptly at 5:00pm.



Gift Registry

Your presence during this celebration is the only gift that we want. We prefer not to receive items as we don’t have space for them. We are grateful to have you in our lives and that is the biggest gift. However, keeping with Chinese tradition, our red envelopes will be virtual.

Feel free to use either of the links below.

about us


We both lived in Hollywood and worked in areas where we likely had unknowingly crossed paths. But it wasn’t until Deny’s co-worker Lady Marcela referred Stephanie to work in the same department that they finally met. Yet somehow Stephanie had previously worked for Deny’s former co-worker Brian. One Sunday, Brian mentioned how one of his employees had left to go work at FAU. Deny assured Brian it was not his department otherwise he would have known about any new hires. Stephanie was formally introduced to Deny the very next day.